Ownership Percentages
Our VP has contributed over $4 more than our Secretary. However, our Secretary owns 19% of the partnership while the VP only owns 18.3%. The VP contributed more during a period of high expenses (start up costs such as name registration, acctg. software subscription, public ...
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Trefis Webinar Today-Are Headline Items Really Going to Impact Company Stock Prices?
For any of you who are interested, you are invited to attend this Trefis Webinar today. Tuesday June 5th 4:15PM EDT If you've ever reported on a stock in your club meetings by running through the latest headlines, Trefis provides you with the tools you'll ...
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Interested in Some Insight Into Stocks You Might Own or Be Considering for Your Club Portfolios?
The Manifest Investing Challenge club is meeting online, Tuesday evening June 26 at 8:30PM ET. Here is a link to the current portfolio: Does your investment club own any of these stocks? Are you deciding whether to purchase or sell any of them from ...
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Annual Subscription Reimbursement Question
Hi, Would someone be so kind as to walk me through the steps I need to take in order to accurately record the Bivio subscription expense in Bivio? Basically, our membership came due and I paid for the membership out of my pocket and now ...
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McDonalds (MCD)
Many of your investment clubs own McDonalds. In fact it is the 8th most popular stock owned by bivio clubs. This is an interesting perspective on their recent price swing from Trefis. McDonalds Headed to 98 Showing Growth Despite the EU Crisis As Trefis points ...
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What Can Your Investment Club Do When The Market Is Going Sideways?
Covered Options-A Tool For The Fundamental Investor Wednesday, June 27, 8:30PM ET Do you own stocks that you are holding for future capital appreciation? Would you like to learn more about some simple, conservative options trading strategies that can help you to generate some additional ...
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Cash Dividends
My club reinvest the dividends of our stocks. But for a short time we decided to switch to receiving the cash instead. I noticed that the cash dividends shows up as a costs in the total costs. If we receive cash instead of reinvesting in ...
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What's at Stake. Insights into The Federal Governments Finances
In very simple laymans terms, the AICPA gives you some perspective on the state of US finances. What's at Stake. A CPA's Insights into The Federal Governments Finances It's simple and it's clear and it gives you a frame of reference as you're listening to ...
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A bivio Club Goes To Paris
The June Dashboard Diagnostics session featured a bivio investment club from New Jersey. Active for many years, this group decided recently to withdraw some of the money they'd accumulated in the club and use it to share a different adventure together. They took a cruise ...
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Identifying Lots in A Stock Sale
If you buy the same stock at different times, you will hold what is referred to as multiple "lots" of it, each with their own cost basis. If you own multiple lots and you don't sell all of your holdings at once, you'll need to ...
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The System Of Investor Protection
Annual financial statements must be audited by external accountants prior to their release. What does that mean? What is involved? This is a fun, short (less than 5 min) video from the Center for Audit Quality that gives you an overview of the process and ...
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You don't want to own Linn Energy within an investment club. Linn is treated as a partnership for tax purposes. It issues a K-1 which you will have to manually transcribe to your club's 1065 as well as manually allocate the various items of income ...
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LLCs are state-created entities. Therefore, there is no specific tax treatment for an LLC - it could be treated as a corporation, a partnership, or a disregarded entity. Without knowing the specific potential investment, you can't get a definitive answer. Ira Smilovitz In a message ...
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Internet Trends
Mary Meeker, an Internet sector analyst, gives a presentation every year that gives a comprehensive overview of Internet Trends. If you are making investments in companies whose business is dependent on the internet, it provides you with a lot of valuable information that allows you ...
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The need for financial advice may be more psychological than practical
Nice article in The Economist about expert advice: If you don't know about Tetlock's work, you should. There's a human instinct for explanations, even if they are wrong more often than not. It's good to know why this is, and the book "Thinking, Fast ...
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