Parameter of the Week-Short Squeeze
Ever heard the expression, caught with your pants down? Ever wonder what the talking heads mean when they mention short squeezes? A short squeeze is when a short seller of a stock is caught with his pants down. Short sellers sell stock they don't own ...
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The System of Investor Protection
Your basis for making investing decisions is only as good as the information you receive about the financial position of a company. Financial reports must be audited by independent outside auditors. Their interface with the company is through an Audit committee. An Audit committee is ...
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Does Your Investment Club Own Any of These Stocks?
If you do, you might be really interested in tomorrow nights Dashboard Diagnostics session which will be held online at 9PM ET. Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing will discuss the stocks which are most widely followed at Manifest Investing. You can see the list here: ...
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Master Limited Partnerships (MLP's)
We try and try to let you know ahead of time not to invest in MLP's in your investment clubs. It's not that we want to deprive you of anything, it's just that they come with complicated tax reporting issues which are beyond the scope ...
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Parameter of the Week-Short Interest Ratio
There are lots of things investors use to try and give them an edge on choosing stocks. One of them is called the Short Interest Ratio. You might find it an interesting exercise in your investment club meetings to take a look at it for ...
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Earn Some Extra Income On Your Cash Selling Cash Secured Puts
At the last COOL Club meeting, a Cash Secured Put on Coach was sold for $1.25 in the Virtual Trading Simulator. Have you ever been interested in learning why you might do this? As of a few minutes ago, the status of this trade can ...
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COOL Club Recordings and September Meeting Schedule
There has been a lot happening at the COOL Club during July and August. Meeting attendees have had glowing praise for the presentations and the new COOL TOOLs. You can use the COOL TOOLs to easily guide you through the process of choosing Covered options. ...
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Using Manifest Investing for Managing Your Investment Club Portfolio
If you are interested in learning more about the Manifest Investing and using it to manage your investment club portfolio, you are invited to a demonstration webinar tonight at 9PM ET. You can register now at: If you are unable to attend, the session ...
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Withdrawal Fees
Curious as to what level of fees clubs charge club members for withdrawals. Our club has always charged 3% of redemption but this was before the day of low cost brokerage fees and we are reviewing it.
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You Don't Need To Know Everything About Everything
A bivio customer recently made this comment to me about her personal financial situation: " We feel paralyzed to make a change or decision many times because of conflicting info or info overload.". It's true. It can be overwhelming. But you need to put it ...
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Questions to Answer When One Of Your Companies Reports Quarterly Earnings
One of our bivio investment clubs shared this list of questions they had recently given to their members to answer as they listened to the quarterly earnings reports for the stocks they were following. I thought it was a great list and they said I ...
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"So Many Stocks, So Little Time" - Recording Posted
If you missed Lynn Ostrems sell out presentation last Thursday, you missed a good one. Here are some comments from some of the attendees: "Superb presentation, one I will have to play again." "It motivated me to follow the disciplined approach that Lynn presented." "I ...
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Join the Discussion at the Challenge Club on Tuesday!
Tune in online for the Manifest Investing virtual Challenge Club meeting on Tuesday August 21 at 8:30PM ET. You can just listen and learn from the discussion or participate in choosing investments for this portfolio: Challenge Club Portfolio Learn more about using Manifest Investing to ...
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Facebook Update
Our friends at Manifest Investing have pointed out that Valueline has recently initiated coverage of Facebook and is showing a low Projected Annualized Return forecast of 14%. bivio investment clubs had purchased approximately 6000 shares at the IPO. That has gone up. Clubs now own ...
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Club history
Our club owns several stocks that we purchased, sold, and subsequently purchased again some years later. We have observed that the Annualized Internal Rate of Return (AIRR) in the Investment Performance Report appears to be based on our original purchase, not the purchase of the ...
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