Join Us For Investment Club Treasurer Training!
An Orientation To Investment Club Record Keeping Your investment club is an investment partnership for accounting and tax reporting purposes. This impacts the way your club records need to be kept as well as your personal tax situation. If everyone in your club has a ...
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Member Withdrawl
A member has decided to withdraw based on the fact that the market is up and wants to take his spoils before the next correction! We do not want to sell stocks and pay the cap gains for his benefit. (Also a deadbeat member) So ...
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Please update MICNOVA Relative Returns
Laurie - please update MICNOVA relative returns Thanks, Bob
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Samples or suggestions of offical disbanding document
Our club is officially disbanding and we were wondering if there are any samples of disbanding documents out there. We have to put something together for our broker account and club records. Thanks, June Lewis Kickin Cash Club
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Better Investing
Is it necessary for a club to be members of Better Investing to also subscribe to Bivio?
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Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mothers Day to all of you out there who are mothers, have mothers or wish to be mothers. I know that I'm grateful my mother was interested in investing. Along with many other good things, she passed that interest along to me. She was ...
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Reorganization of a company
How do I record all the changes to a stock when a company reorganizes? June Lewis Kickin Cash Club
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Do You Like Doing Your Taxes?
Are you in the 1/3? One Third of Americans Like (Or Love) Doing Their Taxes Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter! Follow Us on Google+ Click here to Subscribe to the Club Cafe email ...
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A marathon is a fitting metaphor for a lot of hard things we do in our lives. A marathon runner trains by getting up every morning without fail and putting one foot in front of the other, day after day after day. That is what ...
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Investing in What You Know
Here's an interesting picture. Looks like many of the products many of us use in our households come from one of 10 companies. Common Household Product Matrix from "My Journey to Millions" This makes me think of my interview Senior year in college with Oldsmobile. ...
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New EIN Rules
Your investment club has an EIN number that is issued by the IRS. It identifies your club and is used on your tax forms and to open any financial accounts you have. You've probably applied for it, put it where needed and forgotten about it. ...
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Comparing Stocks
A club recently asked about tools to use for comparing stocks, so I was looking at what was available on . I thought you might be interested in what I found. Lynn Ostrem highlighted this site during her presentation on stock screening last year: ...
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Great Quote
Would you say this applies to you as an investor? Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." -- Joseph Addison, British essayist, poet, playwright and politician Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! ...
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Debt tends to be a balance sheet item that scares away many investors who are members of investment clubs. But it is not always so simple. This is an interesting article by Trefis about the debt recently taken on by Apple to buy back shares. ...
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Realized Gains and Losses
When you sell a stock, you will have a capital gain or loss that you will be reporting on your taxes. With the new cost basis reporting law, you will need to make sure that the amount of these gains and losses agrees with what ...
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