Happy Holidays from bivio!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a new year full of gifts of appreciation from the stocks your club invests in! Your friends at bivio
8 messages
Tax returns
I would like to prepare and file the tax return using Lacerte's tax program so I can e-file the return. Since we have over 50 members it is too much to paper file the return. Do you have any method of exporting the tax info ...
2 messages
Access to club after a withdrawal
I just processed a full withdraw of two members and continued their access to the club for the K-1s. Will they also receive the club emails that go thru Bivio? Will they also be able to see how the club is doing or just their ...
3 messages
Tax question - options
Hi all, I'm in a covered calls group, and a question was posed that I would like to get an answer to. Can any of our resident tax code experts help me with this? Thanks! Happy holidays! It was my understanding that if an investor ...
5 messages
State Filing Requirements?
Does your investment club need to file state as well as federal investment club taxes? Our new state requirements page will help you to figure out the answer: State Filing Requirements Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us ...
1 message
snap shot vs. time based
I am a replacement treasurer using Bivio. I have been doing this for 2 years of our 11 year existence. Two of our members left the club recently and I asked for a "Member Tax Allocation report. Get a msg back saying I can't get ...
2 messages
Investor Education
Upcoming investor education seminar, InvestEd, has terrific class for those wanting to increase their knowledge of investing. I have attended for years and I always learn. InvestEd is a nonprofit organization who dedicates themselves to furthering knowledge of this complex subject with all avenues of ...
2 messages
deleted deposit from TD Ameritrade
How do I retrieve a transaction when I deleted it by mistake?
2 messages
deleted deposit from TD Ameritrade
How do I retrieve a transaction when I deleted it by mistake?
1 message
Tax Season Central
Want to go one place to find out about your investment club taxes? A 2013 tax season link has been added to our homepage. It will take you to our Tax Season Central page. You can sign up for our tax season webinars, view tax ...
1 message
Why do we have to do our taxes so late?
Can someone tell me why the tax module of Bivio is offered so late? I realize that we don't need to get our Schedule K-1's out as early as 1099's, W2's, etc., but if we have all our information, it would be nice to get ...
9 messages
We continue to try and warn clubs from investing in Master Limited Partnerships such as KMP, ETP etc. You can see a list of many of them here: Before You Invest MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOU ARE INVESTING IN!!!! These have tickers like ...
2 messages
About 1099's
Your investment club taxes will need to agree with income information your broker will be reporting to the IRS on 1099 forms. If you want to learn more about what a 1099 is and what you will need to do with the information on it ...
1 message
Member responsibilities
Would appreciate any info from clubs if you have members that are more of an administrative member but does not participate in the stock studies/ investment decisions. How does your club handle this? Do you allow them to pay dues to invest? What voting rights ...
11 messages
Happy Thanksgiving!3 messages