bivio now offers e-filing for your club's federal tax return.
E-filing is quick, easy, secure, and already included with your bivio subscription.
The bivio 2022 tax software gives you the new option to e-file with the IRS, or you can choose to print and mail your club's federal tax return.
If you e-file, you will review the e-filing authorization. When you click to electronically sign the e-filing authorization, your return is submitted to the IRS. It is that simple. Your club will receive an email telling you the return was submitted and another email notifying you that the return has been accepted by the IRS. After the return is accepted you can give your club members online access to their tax documents.
bivio also prepares your state tax forms for NY, NJ, PA, CO, and CA, depending on your bivio subscription level. E-filing is not available for state tax forms this year.
Get started now preparing your club's taxes in bivio!
Your 2022 investment club tax forms need to be filed by March 15, 2023.
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