It's almost time to prepare your investment club taxes. Join us for a webinar on Feb. 9, 2016 at 8:30PM Eastern Time and we'll show you how.
We'll go through all the steps you should follow to use the bivio tax program. You'll see how to do a comparison of your 1099 information with bivio and make any last minute adjustments, what the tax interview looks like, what forms you'll be preparing and how to review them, and how to file your forms.
If you've never done taxes or you'd just like a refresher, you're sure to find this helpful.
It's free and everyone is invited but space is limited, so:
You can't prepare correct taxes if you don't know your bivio records are correct. Here's a link to our recent webinar on conducting a club audit. You'll also find a link to our audit form on this page.