Judy M., - MN
"Thank you for the exceptional tax software! You made it easy to complete the taxes electronically."
Dick W., - WA
"Just thankful that our club is with bivio! And you folks! One of our best decisions."
Robert L. - CA
"Creating the K-1s and filing the taxes was sooooo easy. Thanks for handling the software."
Carole J. - TX
"Our club was almost 24 years old before it came time to dissolve it, and I have been the treasurer all that time. I loved having Bivio's software and employees to help me out along the way, you guys are the best!"
Frank G. - KS
"I love the new added charts. Very professional and very effective. Greatly appreciate the updates and makes Bivio that much more a valuable resource. We will definitely be renewing our membership subscription."
B. Parthiban - GA
"We truly are very satisfied users for bivio, since 2014! This is one aspect of our club that runs on auto-pilot, and we are super grateful :) There is nothing else like bivio in the market!"
Bob F. - IL
"Thank you very much for all of your effort. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your expertise, knowledge, and patience that you exhibited with me."
Lynda F. - CA
"You are invaluable to me, and I appreciate so much what you do for us! Thank you."
Robert H. - CO
"Having the club purchase the concierge hours to tidy up our club accounting and to assign the stock and cash was a great investment on our part. I never could have completed the transfer without your help."
Jack E. - US Virgin Islands
"We have been with Bivio since we started the club in 2006 and your website and customer support have been first rate. I have already renewed for 2024."
Margot H. - MI
"I have been so happy with Bivio support over the years. A great team. I enthusiastically recommend Bivio."
Kevin B. - MN
"Our club and especially I am very grateful for your exquisite running of Bivio."
Chevelle W. - NC
"Bivio and your support is definitely the best investment our group has made."
Matt W. - OH
"Our investment club has used Bivio since 2003 and have nothing but good things to say about it."
Sheila M. - CA
"You have been AMAZINGLY helpful and I suspect there are a lot of other Club treasurers out there who say prayers of gratitude for you!"
Betty T. - WA
"I continue to be impressed with how well Bivio works for my club. The customer support is very good. The tax program is awesome - very easy to use. Thanks to all who I know do a lot of hard work to keep Bivio working well for us."
Joe M. - KS
"I can't imagine trying to effectively manage an investment club without using Bivio. It is very intuitive, and easy to use for non-accountant and non-technical types. It makes tracking investments and preparing the club's taxes and investors K-1 forms a breeze. Thank you for your great product and service!"
Bev T. - WA
"Thank you for all your help and wonderful service over the years. There's no question that bivio is one of the best things that ever happened to investment clubs."
Alec P. - NC
"Bivio is great software. To be able to correct historical transactions and have them flow into today's member values and last year's tax returns is fantastic. I'm a CPA so I know good accounting software when I see it!"
Chuck B. - WI
"Our club is approaching its 29th year of existence. Seems rather incredible. More than half of our 17 members have been in it from the start. We appreciate all of the help you and the other folks at bivio have given us since we found you years ago. Club life is just easier with you folks in our corner. Thanks much."
Jim M. - MO
"Our club has been using BIVIO for over 10 years and has always enjoyed the functions delivered from importing transactions, reporting, to tax preparation. The BIVIO support delivered by Laurie Frederiksen is outstanding - every few years it seems that one of our equities executes a challenging split/merger/spin off causing discrepancies between our broker's records and our BIVIO records. BIVIO support is quick to respond and help bring our records into sync."
Gerald S. - NY
"Just wanted to say Thank You. Our club started with Bivio in 2000. We disbanded in early 2018. It was a learning and rewarding 17 plus years. When ever we contacted Bivio support they were prompt and helpful every time. Your record keeping for clubs was top notch. I would not hesitate to recommend your site."
Joe M - KS
"I can't imagine trying to effectively manage an investment club without using Bivio. It is very intuitive, and easy to use for non-accountant and non-technical types. It makes tracking investments and preparing the club's taxes and investors K-1 forms a breeze. Thank you for your great product and service!"
Larry R - GA
"As a member of the GA Chapter (NAIC) I am asked frequently to advise and mentor new investment clubs. When it comes to an accounting program I have said to many; If my clubs would not purchase bivio, as Treasurer, I would pay for it myself."
Bill C - MD
" I want to thank you for your support over the past dozen or so years. The bivio system makes financial management easy and your responses to questions solve what could be problems."
Mike S - TX
"Wow, that was FAST! Thank you very much for your prompt response and service. The software is great, and the service is even better!"
Bev T - WA
"Thank you for all your help and wonderful service over the years. There's no question that bivio is one of the best things that ever happened to investment clubs."
Alec P. - NC
"Bivio is great software. To be able to correct historical transactions and have them flow into today's member values and last year's tax returns is fantastic. I'm a CPA so I know good accounting software when I see it!"
Tim H. - CO
"I just wanted to thank you for making the tax season so easy. I was just thinking once I was done with ensuring my information was correct exactly how simple Bivio and the program is to get our tax returns completed. I remember doing this by hand (I was not the Treasurer of my club back then but I am now) and the number of hours it took to keep books. Bivio makes it simple."
I was also thinking about the cost of Bivio. I think just to have a tax preparer do the return is probably more than what we pay for Bivio. What a bargain you give us!"
Andy H. - CO
"A special thank you for replying on a Saturday. I sent the email because I was working on club stuff and figured you'd reply sometime next week. This is just amazing service. Our club feels that bivio is worth every penny (and maybe more) than the annual fee. You can quote me on that."
Andrew R. - PA
"Using Bivio definitely makes our life easier than when I used to use an Excel spreadsheet for a prior investment club. You folks rock!"
Mike V. - OK
"Thank you so much for all your help with this challenge. I especially appreciate you sorting it out and helping me understand all the steps you took. This is awesome customer support! I was certainly not expecting answers so quickly."
Ralph S. - WI
"As I am working with the Bivio system, I am amazed at the quality of your product and staff. Our club should have been using this tool years ago."
Mary Anne G. - IL
"Thank you so much for your assistance - I know you and your colleagues are immensely busy these days and I appreciate your taking the time to help me with our club taxes. I couldn't have done this without you."
Ron S. - NJ
"I have been using bivio for a few years now and I'm very happy with it. Prior to bivio, I used iclub's software and never felt it was very professional or robust. I have much more faith in bivio."
Judy S. - PA
"Thanks! I LOVE bivio. I am the treasurer for our group and I am also an accountant. So I fully appreciate that bivio provides us with the ability to do our partnership tax return."
The money we pay annually to use bivio is much less than we would have to pay a professional tax preparer to do the return! And the reports that we can run for our meeting are awesome!
Jayne G. - TX
"Bless the staff at bivio for their educational services, patience and quick response."
Dick H. - MI
"Our rep from TD Ameritrade and I just concluded our telephone conversation and the reason for the discrepancy in the cost basis in Bivio and TDA has been cleared up. TD Ameritrade also follows the First In/First Out system and I will request a change by them to correct the display on my FMI page which will match that displayed by Bivio. Again, Bivio is correct!"
Thank you for the fine service you are providing for our club members. Your prompt responses to my questions is sincerely appreciated.
Bev F. - MI
"I thank you for your very timely,very helpful, very kind response to my SOS. I couldn't ask for any better service. I was happily surprised to have correspondence from bivio on Saturday and even on a Sunday!!! I wasn't expecting a response until Monday (today) to my problem."
I am so grateful my club willingly switched its tech service from Myiclub to Bivio. I have had much greater & more helpful support from Bivio. With God's blessings and my thankfullness, Bev"
Kim P. - MI
"Thanks so much for your efforts with this. Bivio support is VERY supportive - I absolutely appreciate that."
Linda T. - CA
"Thank you so much - you are ALWAYS helpful. This answers my question. Our club is very happy with bivio!!"
Bob C. -
"First I have to thank you for the service you provide investment clubs."
"Ours started out as kind of a joke in April of 2009 when we saw how many
stocks that appeared to be excellent investments at unbelievably low
prices. We ran a screen on all those under $10 a share and with over $20
billion in sales. There were 70 plus stocks on the final list. We did
more research and picked what we thought were the 30 highest quality
companies. At those prices we were able to buy a 100 shares in each. Of
course our biggest gains were in the 24 months or so after our purchases.
Then we experienced a few flat years, and now are growing again along with
the market.
My point is none of this could've been done if we hadn't found Bivio after
an Internet search. I don't have the knowledge, or time to do all the
things you guys do to facilitate our operation. If I hadn't found Bivio,
I wouldn't have started the club. So, thank you again. We don't have a
large fund, we started with $27,300 and have grown to about $64,000. Along
the way we've done some culling, and added stocks that we liked. This
first person of our original 13 partners to cash out is my youngest
daughter. The project has made me something of a minor "expert" or "hero"
to my family. It's been a social experience too, we set up an investment
committee, and the four of us get together for dinner and some stock
picking 3 or 4 times a year.
The other thing I did to keep things manageable was to limit partners'
meetings to once a year. We do almost all communication, including voting
by email.
Sorry for the lengthy memo, but I wanted to be sure you knew how much your
service is appreciated!"
Gail F. - PA
"I recommend Bivio as an excellent club accounting system. It made my life so much easier as the treasurer of the club, once we subscribed to bivio. I helped form our club in 1996 and continued as the club treasurer for 15 years. Your help on the tax issue came through quickly and I was able to complete the taxes for our club."
Art S. - Boiling Springs, PA
"TD Ameritrade had our 1099's on website today. Verified everything, did both Fed and Pa. taxes in about 25 minutes. Thank you, great program and easy to do taxes. I love Bivio. No other program even close to you, wish I would have left I-Club years earlier. Please tell Laurie how this club feels about Bivio"
Dale B. - Toledo, OH
"the program is great and does everything we need it to do-very user friendly in my opinion. I previously used BI Club Accounting and find Bivio much better."
Violet A. - Lakeland, FL
"I would like to say thank you for such an awesome product. It has made our lives very easy and the tax program is nothing but AWESOME. I never print all the reports for members. If they want it they can print their own. This program should be called 'accounting for dummies', it is that simple."
Lou T. - New York, NY
"I think I can speak for all members of my investment club when I say that we place a lot of value on the service that your firm provides. It makes my job much easier."
Lori H. - New York, NY
"Bivio has the best customer service on the internet."
John M. - Troy, NY
"bivio folks are the greatest with the most responsive and customer-oriented service of any software firm I've encountered, bar none."
Frank N. - West Mifflin, PA
"The members of the A.V. Investment Club want to thank [you] for making the job of Treasurer a lark. We changed from [your competitor] last April. It is a great feeling not to do our tax ... bivio does it all. .... If all the Treasurers of the NAIC could try the bivio accounting program we are sure there would be a lot of clubs leaving [your competitor]."
Anne W. - Plain City, OH
"Our club has had bivio for two years at least and we love it. I must add that it is probably AccountSync that we most love. I just handed off to a new treasurer who was most apprehensive, but she says she does most of the monthly accounting in less than an hour."
John R. - Cullman, AL
"The club has been using bivio for several years, and I have been the treasurer during that time. All I can say is you're GREAT and Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"
J. Penland - Dallas, TX
"I have to say you folks are amazing! I'm really impressed with your courtesy, quick response, and helpfulness. It looks like the program is simple and user friendly, and I believe our club members will be well pleased as they come on board and go through the site."
Roshi M. - Palo Alto, CA
"Thank you so much for your help. Recently I have been asking for help from Bivio and you have been a great help in providing the right answer very quickly."
Nancy D. - San Diego, CA
"I love the site and am so pleased to have found it."
Martha S. - Spring City, TN
"[Our club] is very happy to join bivio online accounting. After reading dozens of messages in [your competitor's] list, I know that we have made the right choice. I was very impressed with your fast response to my request for help."
Joann K. - Watkinsville, GA
"Bivio has been our BEST investment!!"
Drasko K. - Dover, MA
"ActivePartnership seems to work really well for me, kudos to your team for making this happen."
Andrew H. - Victoria, BC, CA
"I have to say that you guys have been awesome. We've used your services for the past four years, grown our account to $100,000 plus, and you guys have been really helpful during every step."
Jeff B. - Newport, KY
"Your support has been fantastic and our club is not even a member yet."
Lisa C. - Pittsburgh, PA
"We do want to let you know we are more than pleased that we changed from [your competitor] to Bivio. When we read about all the problems [your competitor] has with its accounting we don't understand why more clubs don't leave and join bivio? Thank you for making the job of Treasurer a breeze."
Tekko R. - Portland, Victoria, AU
"Must say, you guys are really on the ball. All the members of our club are really pleased with how Bivio operates. And it makes my job as the finance officer really easy."
Nancy D. - San Diego, CA
"I checked the withdrawal messages on the NAIC Treasurer's chat list, and [entering member withdrawals] is SO much easier than that 'other' service."
Steve S. - Warrenville, IL
"AccountSync is awesome: great if you have a lot of transactions, and it cuts down on the data entry mistakes of the past."
Marcia, M. - Rockville, MD
"Our club started using it 3 years ago and it has been very easy. Account Sync IS awesome and the support from bivio has always been timely and complete."
John M. - Moore, OK
"I've been I member of a bivio supported club for about 3 years -- great product. My wife on the other hand has been in a club since 1994 and uses [your competitor's] software accounting package. It's been nothing but frustration and hassle for years. They are ready to make the switch to bivio."
Brian H. - Long Beach, CA
"I did some more research on my own and discovered the same answer. Congratulations on a job well done! It seems bivio has its programming more in tune with IRS regulations than the broker issuing the 1099."
Ken W. - Panama City, FL
"You have provided a great product. I can not even imagine running an NAIC investment club without your accounting product."
Nicki L. - Wilmington, NC
"I'd like to commend you on your quick and thorough turnaround time and prompt replies! Your customer support services are excellent. In an era when customer service is increasingly automated and impersonal, it was surprising and delightful to deal with bivio's very prompt, very HUMAN support staff."
Lorri T. - Plymouth, MN
"Thanks to all of the folks at bivio for producing such a wonderful accounting package for our investment clubs."
Joe E. - Los Angeles, CA
"The more I use your software, the more I like it over [your competitor]. You are much easier to send email back and forth for one thing and very user friendly."
Tim W. - Franklin, OH
"I truely enjoyed the use of your site and recommend it to anyone thinking of starting a new club. You made the experience an educational journey."
Beverly H. - Greeley, CO.
"My club really enjoys using Bivio to keep abreast of our portfolio. I don't know what we did without it."
John B. - Swanzey, NH
"I'm the treasurer of our investment club and love the bivio.com website. Thanks for such a user friendly and helpful product."
Marcia N. - Mesa, AZ
"After monitoring [your competitor's message board] about ex-dividend dates and all the problems they were having with their tax program I was afraid to start our taxes. Well, to my surprise (I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised) bivio did all the work listing the ex-dividend dates and my job was easy and our tax filing went smoothly. Thank you so very much for providing such wonderful service. I tell other club treasurers about you. Plus at almost every club meeting when I give our financial report, I report another reason of why we made such a good choice switching over to bivio from [your competitor]."
Lisa C. - Pittsburgh, PA
"Bivio is superior to [your competitor]. When you have a problem its like almost instant help. Far superior to the [competitor]. With this program we know that at least 25 members of this Club could take over as Treasurer tommorrow without the Club missing a beat."
Josie K. - Conyers, GA
"Again, thanks so much for your kind assistance. You're the best support group I've ever dealt with."
Courtney C. - Orinda, CA
"bivio's customer support is much better than other websites."
Tim W. - Franklin, OH
"Your site has been an absolutely wonderful tool and worth every penny."
Wayne R. - Columbus, OH
"Our group has subscribed to Bivio for a few years and has nothing but compliments!! We feel it is a considerable upgrade over our previous arrangement."
Steve C. - Ballwin, MO
"bivio's a solid product and our club loves being able to review the books online. I appreciate the work that you all do there and that you solicit feedback and ideas to make your product better."
New Jersey Model Investment Club - Short Hills, NJ
"Thank you for a fantastic user friendly program. Our club is extremely happy with bivio."
Lucretia M. - Fairfield Glade, TN
"I think selecting Bivio to manage our accounts was the best thing our club ever did!"
Cheryl J. - Escanaba, MI
"Our new buy/sell transactions were entered right away and look great. Our club is really pleased with your program and the quick support you offer."
Steve H. - Roscoe, IL
"Bivio Rocks! Now this is great customer support! Our club really likes the services that Bivio supplies."
Tim V. - Manchester, MO
"Keep up the good work, bivio makes keeping things straight SOOO much easier."
Peggy W. - Libby, MT
"Thanks for your help. You have a great site. It's been a big help in operating our investment club."
Wren P. - Santa Fe, NM
"Thank you so much! You could teach [your competition] a thing or two about customer service!"
John B. - Wixom, MI
"I have been programming computers for many years now, and I think your bivio product is excellent and very well thought out/executed."
Bertram F. - Bloomfield, CT
"As the treasurer, you made my life so much easier than when I used the [competition's] software."
Michelle S. - Minneapolis, MN
"Paul, YOU ROCK!!!! Thank you a million times over."
Linda Y. - San Diego, CA
"We are a group of busy professional women and no one has time to keep the financial books for the club, so it was getting hard to get any one to run for Treasurer. I can honestly say now that we use Bivio, the job of treasurer is much easier. Thank you!"
Roberto S. - Chula Vista, CA
"Your friendly and always professional responses are fantastic. I wouldn't be our club's Treasurer if your program was not available! Again, thanks for a great job."
Debbie N. - Oceanside, CA
"Happy Birthday to you Bivio. We are a new subscriber and so far we have been very satisfied. The support has been great & timely. Thanks!"
Darlene P. - Tucson, AZ
"Congratulations on your 4th birthday. You provide a valuable service to our group"
Rosemary Y. - Des Moines, IA
"Happy birthday. your site is great and so user friendly."
Terry H. - Manhattan, KS
"Happy birthday. Our club treasurer and all club members have appreciated the help you have given our club. Your site has facilitated easy access to information to our members at any time they wish to log on. A number of our members are snow birds that fly south for the winter and so don't attend for several months of the year. The bivio site helps them stay in touch with our proceedings and portfolio. Thanks!"
Sandy W. - Medford, OR
"We have been working with your club accounting program for a couple of months and find it to be very easy to use and understand. The help menu is indeed very helpful. We definitely prefer your product over [your competitor] which proved to be a nightmare for us (three learning treasurers) to navigate."
Chuck R. - Mechanicsburg, PA
"Thank you for your fast, helpful response. In these days of multiple telephone menu choices, automated 'we have rec'd your request' support replies, and the like - it is a pleasure to do business with Bivio."
Erica K. - Covington, LA
"THANKS for the SUPER SUPPORT bivio has provided in researching and answering all my questions of late! I hope you folks get Sundays off!"
Beth C. - Kelso, WA
"Thank You! So far - I am quite impressed and our club is delighted with bivio."
Toby F. - Cupertino, CA
"Thanks - this is quick work. Thank you very much! I'm impressed."
J. R. N. - White Bear Lake, MN
"Thanks for the quick reply. Exactly what I needed to know. I knew there was a simple and easy solution, because the rest of the Bivio system is so simple and easy!"
Ed B. - Shoreline, WA
"Bivio provides a great way to handle Investment Clubs. I especially liked the way the tax process, using adobe, was set-up."
Ellen S. - Livermore, CA
"Thank you also for your speedy reply. I am really impressed with your service."
Madeline - Chester, NJ
"Thank you for everything. Your accounting system is fantastic and you are a god send."
Joyce F. - Boston, MA
"bivio is wonderful and will transform our record keeping."
Chuck - Mechanicsburg, PA
"Your quick (nay, fantastic) reply times are both amazing and appreciated."
Bill - Stewartville, MN
"Once again thanks for the clear answers....I really value your knowledge and expertise."
Kimberly - Madison, WI
"I thought I'd let you know that THIS bivio user is VERY HAPPY. I can't even begin to explain how much better bivio is to use over the [competitor's] club accounting software."
Janet - Longview, TX
"I have already done our taxes and it was a dream. Everything came out just perfect, so easy and only took minutes to do. Your system is just great."
Joyce - Liberty, MO
"As treasurer of my investment club, I want to personally thank you for your service. We didn't mind paying to continue your services, as your software makes bookkeeping ever so easy compared to [competitor] software that we used previously."
Katherine - Seattle, WA
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I don't know what I would do without your service."
Sam - Bainbridge Island, WA
"And may I say that I am extremely impressed with the speed and quality of Bivio's customer service. And over a weekend no less!"
Linda - Fountain Hills, AZ
"You make tax season a joy instead of a burden like it used to be."
Harshal - South Windsor, CT
"I just wrote to tell you thanks for the fast response, it's hard to get service like that these days. Keep up the good work!!!"
Juan - LaGrange Park, IL
"Thanks for your quick replies. [Competitor] often doesn't even call or reply to my questions."
Otis - Cheyenne, WY
"Thanks again for your excellent response time."
Sue - Manitou Springs, CO
"If I hadn't found your service, I would have quit being treasurer a long time ago (especially the tax preparation part)."
Hanh - Bellevue, WA
"Thank you for your excellent customer service."
Dan - Sioux Falls, SD
"Thank you for your quick responses - Your support service is always swift and accurate. I hope you get many happy clubs subscribing now - I would pay for your services any day."
Tom - Brookfield, IL
"I love you guys!"
Ingred - Jamaica, NY
"I am the treasurer of a club, and I must say bivio is superlative. Thanks a million, you saved my life."
Chris - Parkville, MO
"Now if you could just come up with a way to pick stocks that would equal your ability to write/support software I could retire 30 years earlier than expected."
Mike - Chicago, IL
"You guys provide a wonderful service that is a great value. I will make sure our club supports your other resources as well."
Jeff - Herndon, VA
"You know a truly great company when they give you stuff that is absolutely essential, but you didn't know it until they gave it to you."
Barbara - St. Louis, MO
"Thank you for your extensive help. Your site is fantastic but your support is even better."
Robert - Freehold, NJ
"You have gone the extra mile to explain how this works. Thanks again for your superior service."
Jimie - Rapid City, SD
"Let me tell you how much our investment club enjoy's your site!"
Jo Ann - West Palm Beach, FL
"I am looking forward to working with bivio for our club's accounting and member communication. At this point I feel it will be an answer to my prayers."
Scott - East Lyme, CT
"You guy's keep getting better and better."
Ann - Ames, IA
"Good luck - as your company grows and gains the reputation it deserves."
Marge - Hartland, WI
"You guys are the greatest."
Janice - Thousand Palms, CA
"Great service to the investment club community. I will be recommending it to everyone!"
Catharine - Pasadena, CA
"Once again, your support is swift and right on. Thanks."
Duane - Oregon City, OR
"Great site you folks created, our club finds it an incredible place to share opinions and get current club reports."
Jean - Clarion, IA
"Thank you so much for providing this site."
Linda - Tuckerton, NJ
"We are so happy to have such a wonderful service like yours. Thank you for providing us with so much online help through your website."
Bob - Wheaton, IL
"Once again, I can only restate that you folks are doing a great service to investment clubs everywhere."
Len - Rockaway, NJ
"I'm incredibly impressed with you folks, and dare I say your customer support is the best I have ever encountered, anywhere."
Deb - Delhi, NY
"We are 'geographically challenged' and I believe that they will all find easy access to our information to be a great convenience. What a great idea! Thanks to all who put this together!"
Ken - Granite Bay, CA
"Thank you very much for your incredibly quick response. This is the second time you have answered my question and/or repaired a problem for me - in less than 15 minutes after I sent you the email! WOW and thanks!"
Dan - Mohrsville, PA
"Thanks for your time and for the web site."
Betty - Forest Hills, NY
"Your site is very helpful - my friends and I are learning a lot and it's helping us start up our investment club."
David - Atlanta, GA
"You are doing quite an impressive job with customer service. Thank you."
Cathy - New London, CT
"What a great service! I am interested in presenting information about your site at our next partnership meeting. Would you please send material?"
Marvin - Saratoga, CA
"You have made a believer out of me! Keep up the good work!"
Jim - Los Angeles, CA
"Great site, great design, and great concept. I am very very impressed. Thank you greatly for the effort you are putting in this venture. I will on the look-out for a bivio IPO one day!"
Rick - Federal Way, WA
"I love your web site."
Bob - Wheaton, IL
"Thank you very much. You folks are great. Keep up the great work."
MJ P. - Northville, MI
"Thank you for your help in resolving this matter! Our investment club partners will be very pleased to hear that you've responded promptly and resolved our problem so quickly. Kudos to all involved."
Marty S. - Fishers, IN
"Thank you so much for your help. You guys are incredibly helpful and we love your site. In fact, I was told a few years ago by someone at bivio that we were one of your first customers. I am really glad to see the success bivio has enjoyed."