Year end 'Distributions of Earnings' verses 'Allocations of Tax Liabilities'
 Jimie makes some astute observations and asks some very good questions....
During this past year, we were using the NAIC accounting software and would just upload that information onto the bivio site monthly to make it available for our members to see online. Time is approaching for me (the treasurer) to distribute earnings on the NAIC program.  When I distribute the earnings on the NAIC program, the unit value is reduced in proportion to the amount of units created through the distribution.  When I then upload the new information showing the distributions onto bivio, how will bivio handle that? 
bivio maintains the integrity of your imported records.   In other words, if your distribution was done within NAIC Club Accounting (NCA), bivio will maintain those historic transactions in the same manner as they were within NCA.
Wont it throw off our unit club value since bivio "distributes" earnings as they occur? 
Actually, bivio "distributes" earnings in the same manner as does NCA.  Both programs offer you an option to distribute (allocate) earnings in a time-based (preferred) manner verses a snapshot or non time-based manner.  For more information on these two methodologies please see...   Therefore, in order to answer your question, bivio will not "throw off" the number of units nor the unit value of your imported NCA data.  
The difference between bivio and NCA is that, unless a club has imported their NCA data with non time-based distribution designated in the NCA parameters, in bivio a club can see the running total or year to date allocation of taxable items realized by the club as of any date.  These values may be viewed on the Member TaxAllocations Report .   The beauty of this feature in bivio is that each and every member of the club can view their year to date individual tax consequences of club membership on an ongoing basis.   Thus, there should be no surprises when a club member receives their K-1 from the club.
Basically, if the NAIC software results in a lower unit value after distributions, will bivio have the same lower unit value?  Or is the current unit value shown on bivio correct?
bivio will reflect the same unit value as was reflected in your imported NCA data, it does not make changes to that data.   
Before I answer the second question, some explanation is necessary.
NAIC Club Accounting "distributes" earnings and makes corresponding adjustments to units held and unit values as though some cash was actually disbursed to each member and then that cash was immediately reinvested by each member.   Obviously, this is not the case. 
In fact, what actually takes place is simply an allocation of tax liabilities.   In other words, each member is allocated their appropriate share of any taxable liability realized by the club during the tax year.  Each member then reports this information on their individual tax return.   As a result of this year end "distribution of earnings", each members cost basis in the club is adjusted to reflect these taxable allocations since each member will have already paid tax on that amount when they withdraw from the club.   For a bit more information, please see....
Therefore, as far as partnerships are concerned, there is absolutely no need to make any adjustment to unit values or units in conjunction with this year end activity.  The only required adjustment that is required is the one made to each members cost basis.    Mutual funds, however, must treat their year end distributions as though cash equal to the taxable allocations was distributed, even though most investors have that cash automatically and immediately reinvested.   It appears that the methodology employed in NAIC Club Accounting is a unnecessary attempt to mirror that mutual fund methodology.
Now, back to your last question.   Or is the current unit value shown on bivio correct?
 bivio will not alter the methodology of historical year end allocations (distributions) included with imported NCA data.   Any subsequent year end allocations (distributions) performed in bivio will be done using the bivio methodology.    In any case, the value of the club as a whole and the value of each members account in the club will be the same, regardless of which year end allocation (distribution) methodology is employed.  
Jerry Dressel
St.Louis, Missouri