To reinvest or not reinvest dividends???
Sue wrote....
We are an investment club of 14 women in existence for five years.  Discussions have come up at meetings about automatically reinvesting all of our dividends in their respective stocks.  .........  My concern is some stocks pay such a small dividend, it would take ten years to obtain one share, and it would seem like a lot of extra book-keeping for this small gain.
While being a strong supporter of the concept of reinvesting income, dividends, and realized profits,  I don't advocate the concept that all dividends must be reinvested directly back into the company that paid them.   While such a process may lend itself to the concept of dollar cost averaging in a particular single investment, my club takes its dividends, accumulating them in our money market account,  purchasing additional stock of our choice once a thorough study and analysis has been completed.  
Is there a lot of extra work for the treasurer in these automatic reinvestment plans as far as entering data and is there much of a problem  in discrepancies with balances in the computer program and our brokers statements.  We like to balance to the penny.
I agree, a club's records should always  "balance to the penny".  
As far as the reinvesting of dividends being "extra work" for the treasurer is concerned, it doesn't have to be.   Computerized club accounting software such as has taken the drudgery out of compiling and maintaining the records of all the small lots that are created when dividend reinvestment plans (DRIP's) are used.     In most cases, entering a dividend that has been reinvested is just as easy as entering a dividend that is deposited into the bank or brokerage account.   Another option that many clubs enjoy is that of bivio's premium services which are called AccountSyncand AccountKeeper.    These services take the burden of everyday recordkeeping away from the treasurer, regardless of the complexity of the transactions.   For more information on these and other premium services offered by bivio please see....
Jerry Dressel
St.Louis, Missouri