Date of Withdrawal Payment vs. Date of Withdrawal Valuation
Ellen wrote.....
Our partnership agreement sets the date of withdrawal as the date of the meeting at which the letter of resignation is received and the valuation as the valuation for that meeting. We must pay the withdrawal within 90 days. The check clears through the broker at some later date.  I have entered the withdrawal in club act. as follows:  I process the withdrawal on the date of withdrawal, showing the payment from the suspense account, creating a negative balance in the suspense act. This way club act. shows the correct valuation amount and withdrawal date. Then I enter the check when it clears the brokerage account as a transfer from broker account to suspense. This shows the actual payment on the correct date. Is there anything wrong with doing it this way? 
Yes, there is a bit of a problem as a result of entering the transaction in this manner.  For tax purposes the IRS will consider the date of withdrawal as the date in which the funds/stock was actually issued/transferred to the withdrawing member.   Entering the transaction in the manner that you have prescribed in either NAIC Club Accounting or bivio will cause the withdrawal to be reported as though it occurred as the withdrawal valuation date, not the date that the funds were actually transferred.   This situation becomes particularly relevant when this difference in time transgresses the end of the tax year causing the withdrawal to be reported in the wrong tax year or where it means that the member has been with the club longer than a year prior to receiving withdrawal payment, yet the gain associated with the withdrawal is reported inappropriately as a short term gain.
bivio does allow you to enter this type of withdrawal transaction without such problems.  When you enter a withdrawal into bivio you are asked to identify both a Withdrawal Transaction Date and a Withdrawal Valuation Date.   The former would be the date of payment of the withdrawal while the later would be the date that the withdrawal was valued per your partnership agreement.
Jerry Dressel
St.Louis, Missouri