Tax information
What is form 8893 and is the club supposed to file this with the IRS? What is a Consolated Audit? The box for this is checked in the questions about the club. Is this the default question for this question? Royal Schnell at e-mail
5 messages
Problem Email
Hi Everyone, I am sorry about this recent tax solicitation email. I have removed this person from the Club Cafe list for violating our Terms of Service. -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter!
1 message
Member Withdraw ?
I have read a lot of the message board looking for my answer and have been unsuccessful, so here goes. A member is withdrawing from our club. Members of the club have raised the following questions.On each question assume they are all cash buy outs. ...
8 messages
Valuation Dates and Trying to Keep Everyone Equal
Hi Christine, It is very difficult to do club accounting and keep everyone "equal" though I understand how many clubs start out thinking this is important. My own club felt this way for many years. But, a club should be a longtime group and sooner ...
1 message
Dear Sirs and fellow Bivio Users, I would like to ask your opinion regarding Valuation, - when a member makes a contribution the more accuarate valuation date to use is: a) the valuation of the NAV of the day before the contribution b) the valuation ...
12 messages
Withdrawing members
Our Investment club has 3 withdrawing members as of the end of December 2010. According to our partnership agreement, we have 90 days to pay the leaving members. The valuation used is to be the one on 12/31/2010 since our club valuation is done for ...
4 messages
Audit Party Weekend!
Hi Everyone, Are your club records correct? Has your club been filing club taxes correctly? Is your club ownership being tracked correctly? To get the answers to these questions and more it's important to regularly go through a club audit and have an independent group ...
1 message
Club Meeting Meeting Time/Date Change
Hi Everyone, February is tax month and we'll be doing lots of auditing and tax prep webinars so I've moved the Club Meeting Meeting webinar that had been scheduled for next Thursday, Feb. 3, to Thursday, March 3. If you've already registered for it, I ...
1 message
Recruiting presentations
I'm posting this note with permission from Laurie. I am an instructor for InvestEd, and I've been working with clubs and their issues for 17 years. A growing number of instructors are putting together formal classes on CD and selling them to the community. I ...
1 message
Recruitment Presentations
Hi All- Do any of you have PowerPoints or handouts you have used in the past to recruit members. I am getting ready to have a meeting to talk about investment clubs with prospective members and I don't want to necessaruily re-invent the wheel if ...
2 messages
cost basis on CSCO
How do I find out the cost basis on our club's CSCO? I thought the 30 shares we sold on 12/09/01 was the lot that we bought on 11/20/2000, but when I averaged the other 2 figures, the 3/16/2001 54 shares plus the 1/19/2011 47 ...
11 messages
Members payments
Is anyone else having a problem entering their club's payments into the program?
2 messages
Addresses for Club
Thanks everyone for your great support and tips. I really appreciate all the help. One last question - do any of your clubs use a PO Box for the club address? Or do you simply use the treasurer or president's home address? It seems like ...
4 messages
Cash Deposits
We have 346.00 in petty cash to deosit in our Scottrade account. How do I assign this in Bivio so all the members are included in this income?
2 messages
Online or Out of State Members
Hi All, I am curious if any of your clubs allow non-local members or if any of your clubs are online clubs. How do you handle the various transactions, voting, etc? Currently, our club only allows members who can actually attend a meeting in person. ...
4 messages