Member Withdrawal question
We recently had a member withdraw from our club. I entered
the full withdrawal, in cash, and it processed okay. The
withdrawal report was there for me to print. The problem I
have now is I will be paying this member off with a club
check. When I view the clubs account balance (checking), the
payout amount has already been subtracted. I would like the
check to be a part of the documentation. How do I accomplish
this? Can I undo the withdrawal and in the process of
redoing it, somehow, somewhere enter the check number?

> We recently had a member withdraw from our club. I entered
> the full withdrawal, in cash, and it processed okay. The
> withdrawal report was there for me to print. The problem I
> have now is I will be paying this member off with a club
> check. When I view the clubs account balance (checking), the
> payout amount has already been subtracted. I would like the
> check to be a part of the documentation. How do I accomplish
> this? Can I undo the withdrawal and in the process of
> redoing it, somehow, somewhere enter the check number?

There are two approaches you can take:

1) Delete the withdrawal and re-enter it with the date the check was
   written or debited.

2) Delete and re-enter withdrawal with the original date, but this time
   use the Suspense account for the funds. When the check is written,
   enter a transfer from your Broker/Bank to the Suspense account.

I recommend using the first method this time, and remembering the
second method for next time.
